Found staked to the
chest of female zombie, still undead, Elmira, New York.
Jenny’s Journal, Sept.
Unbelievable! Mother finally gets out of bed and now we’re
being told we have to stay in the house!
I love mom, but a week in this house with her lying in bed with
the TV blaring loud enough to wake the dead twenty-four/seven, is just too
Now Mr. Foxworth is adding
more piss and vinegar to our coffee.
That guy always gave me the creeps. He must weigh 110 pounds soaking wet, and with
that 1970’s porno mustache and greasy black hair – oy! He reminds me of a gay scare crow Mr. Big Shot thinks being president of the condo
association makes him royalty. He’s been
bitching about the flamingos and garden gnomes on mom’s front lawn since Jesus
wore short pants. Then that stupid petition, and now, I can’t BELIEVE what he
He kept banging on the door all morning,
moaning and groaning. Mom refused to
speak to the man. She just kept yelling at the door and Mr. Foxworth just kept
banging against it. By the time tea was
up, I was ready to start screaming myself. Mom kept yelling, shouting about
fascism and how her garden gnomes gave this ‘shithole’ character, and how she
was going to go out and adopt “101 gosh fucking darn Dalmatians!” Between you
and me, journal, those gnomes give me the creeps. I mean, who wants a bunch of little dwarfs
laying about their lawn all day and night?
It’s not natural.
Finally she worked herself up for a
face-to-face and threw open the door. Foxworth was a mess! He wasn’t knocking on the door; he was banging
his head against it. His cheesy mustache was caked with blood and his eyes were
glazed and unfocused. Mom was so shocked
she stopped screaming. Then he… he bit
her, right on the arm! Boy, what a
mistake that was! Mom’s not exactly
‘small boned’ and she’s been known to have a temper.
Well, let me tell you, after mom
got over the shock of being bitten, she repaid Mr. Foxworth in kind, and then
some. She grabbed that crazy man by the
arm and bit him right back and, believe me, it was no love bite. But that wasn’t enough for mom. She smacked, pummeled and kicked poor
Foxworth all the way down the front lawn.
When he fell on the sidewalk, Mom picked up one of the flamingo’s and
began hammering him with it. I had
to drag her back into the house. A few
of the neighbor’s were out and had started walking over. You know how everybody loves a show!
I cleaned mom up and put a
bandage on the wound where he bit her.
It wasn’t bad but he bit hard enough to draw blood (so did she!). Now she’s upstairs in bed again, ranting
about the condo association. All this
before breakfast. Oy!
That’s all for now journal (I
Ttyl J
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