Tuesday, April 25, 2017

DAY 96: Let's Get Ethical.

Welcome to SPLINKERNEWSMAX! SplinkerNewsMax is not owned by any major media corporation, although we are willing to entertain offers. 

Keep your eyes open for my upcoming book "144k: The first 144,000 Fun-Filled Minutes of Trump." (Title a work in progress and copyrighted, patent pending;  reuse of this title or anything contained herein may result in tiny twinges of guilt.)

DAY 96: Trump has still not released his tax returns.  Maybe he has to see if using the State Dept. website to promote his properties counts as income.  The news that the government website was promoting Mar-a-largo is a major ethics violation, but it's only the most recent and public one. 

Let's take a stroll down Kleptocracy Lane. 

     * the trademark grants China has given  to both Trump's and his daughter's companies.
     * the strange timing of last month's Yemen raid disaster and the Arab Emirates (the                  country that really stood to benefit from the raid), finally approving Trump's golf resort. 

     * the sale of 58 condos since he started running. We're talking $90 mil.  
       Right before the RNC, someone formed an LLC named Milan Investment.           Milan           spent $3,100,000 to buy 11 condominiums in the Trump owns in Las Vegas.                               Do you wonder who purchased those 11 condos?  No? Yes?  Well, we may never know.             What we DO know is that Milan Investment is registered to two individuals:   Jun Xu               and Qi Huang. Ethically shady, at a minimum.  Because Trump refused to put his assets         in a blind trust. 

      * TRUMP 2020!  He's already running.  What is disturbing is that he's already "spent"              about $6,500,00 the 2020 campaign.  A nice chunk of that is being paid to businesses he        owns. Like renting space in his hotels, etc. It's a shame we weren't paying attention in              2000, when Trump told us this is exactly what he would do.
That's not a joke quote.  That happened.  Don't believe me?  Well then, fuck you.  Or CLICK HERE .  It's a fascinating article from Forbes, way back in the day.

     * PAY TO STAY: Where the President goes,  money follows.  Secret Service, security, etc.  They all need a place to stay.  And when Trump is at Mar-a-largo, that's where they stay. 

     *  HOTEL HELL: Trump is thinking about licensing his name to another hotel in D.C.   He won't make scratch from profits, but the value of his name has increased and you               can bet that he's getting a nice little premium here, as well as future licensing                             transactions. 

     * THE PROPERTY OF AZERBAIJAN: Okay. Not exactly a Harry Potter novel, but pretty close.  If you read this blog, you'll remember that, like the scary prison in the Potter novel, you can't get to Trump's property in Azerbaijan using roads.  Azerbaijan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and home to the unopened Trump International Hotel and Tower. This hotel is perhaps the best example of Trump's shady business ties.  Specifically, the hotel partnered up Trump and Co. with several corrupt officials in the Middle East. 

Here, we shift from violating the Emoluments Clause, to violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  Because, when it comes to criminal behaviour, everyone likes to go alphabetically.  

The FCPA prohibits American companies from participating, AT ALL, in bribery schemes in other countries.  Doing so can cost you $2 million and five years in jail.

The Azerbaijan deal grants daughter/wife Ivanka oversight of the project. The Trumps' main partner in this nonstarter hotel is Anar Mammadov, the son of Azerbaijan’s transportation minister.  That guy is the most corrupt official in the most corrupt government in the world. Among other things, Mammadov has a cozy, corrupt relationship with Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Trump's partner is closely linked with  a construction firm that was sanctioned by the United States for its role in Iran’s attempts to develop an arsenal of nuclear missiles. 

So, yeah.  FCPA.

The President opposed the FCPA in May 2012, about thirty minutes before he was ready to violate it in Azerbaijan. According to reporting in The Atlantic, Trump called the FCPA “absolutely horrible” and argued that, since other countries do not have the same provision, American corporations are at a major disadvantage in which bribery is the norm. Can I get a "LOL" brothers and sisters?

Since Trump won't remove himself from his businesses, every time he gets a new tenant, an angel loses it's wings.  Like Xiao Yan Chen, a/k/a Angela Chen.  She purchased a $16 Million Dollar penthouse at Trump Tower on February 21. Chen runs a consulting firm that, “facilitates the right strategic relationships with the most prominent public and private decision makers in China.”

Chen sells access. Specifically, she makes money by helping client's gain favour with the Chinese government. 

Her company consults for the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Trade & Development Agency.

So what?  So what?  What do you mean, "So what??" Trump takes money from Chen, who's company works with the U.S. government. THAT'S WHAT! 

Shit.  You know what?  I don't have time to go through the list.  I think you get the idea.  

Trump's promise not to do any more business in foreign countries is already broken. He's going ahead with plans in Aberdeen and the Dominican Republic.  And when you google Trump and the Dominican Republic, go see which campaign donor Trump is making our ambassador.  

And don't get me started on Chinese trademarks!  

Okay, that's it.  I mean, that's not really it.  There are a lot more.  But that's all we can stomach for today, here at SplinkerNewsMax

If I have time, I'll do an afternoon blog where I interview the president, using his actual big boy words and everything.

It's 9:09 a.m.
Good morning!

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You have an opinion about everything else. Might as well have one here. Remember, spelling counts.